Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hire Property Agent like Dream Design Property to Sell House in Australia in Stress-free Manner

If you want to sell your home in Australia in the most profitable manner, there are two ways: selling house at auction or via private sale. Private sale is the process in which a customer hires the services of real estate consultant like Dream Design Property and the company completes all selling related formalities on company’s behalf. In the other process i.e. auction, at a predetermined date and time, interested buyers arrive at the home and bid for client’s property.
Pros and Cons of Selling Methods

The benefits of selling house in auction are the several buyers bid for the property therefore there is a high chance of closure of deal, sometimes properties do sell at the higher market rates allowing seller to make significant profits, etc. The disadvantages are sellers have no control over the price as whatever price buyers bid, it becomes the selling price and there is no guarantee of selling the property on the auction day.  

Now, let’s take a look at selling properties privately via agents. The agents or advisors perform the entire proceedings of selling a house like listing the property at respective platforms, negotiating deal with buyers, completing paper work, etc. Moreover, the real estate investment and management company like Dream Design Property gives assurance of selling the property at the right market price. Thus, the risk of selling the property at undervalued prices totally eliminates. There are disadvantages also such as agents may take considerable length of time in finding a right customer, the company takes commission for rendering their services, etc.

Indubitably, selling homes by auction increases profits of buyers but agents assure to complete entire task on behalf of buyers and end up with a profitable deal.  So, if you are planning to sell your home in Australia, hire the expert services of consultant like Dream Design Property, founded by Zaki Ameer.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Benefits of Investing in Australia Real Estate Property Market

Real estate investment is one of the most profitable forms of investments. It is one such kind of investment which gives unprecedented returns with time if a person invests money at the right time and at the right place. If a person is interested in making overseas investment, it is prudent to choose the country and area wisely where he will get better rental yields and capital appreciation with time. In such a scenario, Australia has emerged as clear cut winner.

Advantages with Australian Properties

  • Real estate investment proves beneficial if a person chooses right city or area. In the last few years, Australia has witnessed high population growth in key cities like Sydney and Melbourne.  Due to incessant international migration, the residential property prices are touching the sky. Thus, investing in these cities ensure a continuity of rental growth and capital appreciation.
  • Many international countries have stringent banking regulations or foreign investment laws that rule out the possibility of investment. But with Australia, case is different. The Government policies are liberal and with the presence of Property Investment and Management Company like Dream Design Property, any person can buy property in the country. 
  • International customers are allowed to own a Freehold property in the country and enjoy ownership of the property as the locals would.
  • Australia is one of the best places to live a peaceful life. Multi-cultural society, stunning beaches with natural beauty, high employment opportunities for skilled workers, etc., are few factors encouraging people to come and work in the country which ultimately gives a boost to economy of the nation. With strong economic growth and the trend of migrating to Australia catching pace, the property prices will definitely increase in the coming times.
So, if you are ready to build an asset in the foreign land, no place is better than Australia. For getting complete information about where to invest in Australia and what price to invest, hire professional property investment services of Dream Design Property.